
How we should worship

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He asked the third question, Tell me, what is “Ehsaan”?
Worship in a way as if you see the Lord, if you cannot worship like this, then worship such that the Lord sees you.
Pay attention! now we have two types of worship; No. 1 Worship: The worshipper sees the Lord and the Lord sees the worshipper. Second level: the worshipper doesn’t see the Lord, the Lord sees the worshipper.
The level where the worshipper sees the Lord and the Lord sees the worshipper,This is called worship in a witnessed realm
And if the worshipper doesn’t see the Lord and the Lord sees the worshipper, This is called worship in an unwitnessed realm
The Shaykh ul Hadith of Jami Ashrafiyya, Hazrat Maulana Sufi Sarwar D.B writes in the explanation of Bukhari, there is a worship of the prophets and then there is a worship of the commoner (common Muslim). The prophet’s worship is in the witnessed realm and the commoners (common Muslim’s) worship is in the unwitnessed realm.
The commoner doesn’t see the Lord, the Lord sees the commoner however, the Lord sees the prophet and the prophet sees the Lord, therefore, a prophet’s worship is of the witnessed type whereas the commoner’s worship is of the unwitnessed type.
That is the reason that when a prophet makes a prostration it is better than millions of prostrations of a commoner.
Why? Because a prophet’s prostration is in a witnessed state, a commoner’s prostration is in an unwitnessed state.
The unwitnessed state is incomparable to the witnessed state.
The Prophet S.A.W told us of two states of worship, worship as if you see the Lord – if you cannot do this worship then worship as if the Lord sees you.
A person asked me that, in the “khanqahs” of Deoband and in the madrassas of Deoband, a sentence is commonly written “O slave develop the feeling” Pay attention! “O slave, develop the feeling that the Lord is watching you”
I said yes absolutely, it is written.
He said it contradicts a hadith, I asked: which hadith? He said: when Hazrat Jibrail asked “Tell me about Ehsan” “Prophet of Allah tell me what is Ehsan?” The Prophet S.A.W replied: “develop the feeling that you see the Lord”. That is the first level, and it is written in your khanqahs that the Lord sees you, the hadith says to develop the feeling that you see the Lord. What is in the hadith? Develop the feeling that you see the Lord, and what is written in the khanqah? develop the feeling that the Lord sees you. Therefore, you have left the first level and have written the second level. I said that you understood neither the hadith nor the khanqah, had you understood the hadith and the khanqah you wouldn’t have objected. He said: “what do you mean?” I said: the levels mentioned in the hadith, the first is the level of worship of a prophet, the second level is that of the worship of the commoner.
The level of worship of a prophet, worship as if you see the Lord and the level of worship of a commoner, worship as the Lord sees you.
The khanqah is for the training of the commoners not the prophets. The khanqah doesn’t train prophet, but trains the commoners.
What feeling will the commoner develop? He sees the Lord or the Lord sees him?
If it was for the training of a prophet, you question would’ve been valid, however, it is for the training of the commoners. That is why your question is not correct. You haven’t understood the hadith or the khanqah, had you understood them, you would never have objected.
Some people object without understanding first

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